The reality faced for the professors, the necessity in becoming practical pedagogical directed the context and the identity of the students, as well as the difficulty in the use of methodologies that propitiate to the student best significao of its space-time lived in the school is that involved agents in the teach-learning process if lean over on the prxis. The expressive presence of young with more than fourteen years in basic education demand the creation of proper conditions for the learning, adjusted to the way to use the proper space-time, the available didactic resources and to the peculiarities of youth. What one searchs is to value the pertaining to school passage of each student, allowing that they remain in the school the necessary time so that they reach the completeness of the learning. According to Jorge Perez, who has experience with these questions. One understands that they are not the used material resources in the practical one that better they mean the paper of the professor, but its pedagogical objectives, its boarding and its way to see/to be in the significant world is that they define quo are experiences lived by itself and for its students in the teach-learning process. Current space is necessary to understand education in the world/, searching to recoup the concept/effectiveness of the interdisciplinaridade. What one searchs is to carry through an education of good quality, synonymous of competent performance on the part of professor and students.
The formation of a group of research and experimentation, destined to the study of local, regional and world-wide phenomena, privileges the critical look and the experience of students and the professor, the taste for the study and searches and the valuation of the espaotempos of the school. The materialization of the proposal if of the one by means of activities of research, activities of production and field, target log book and presentation of experiences. Also it has the intention of: ) to carry through studies and research interdisciplinares, valuing the place where if it lives; b) to instigate the students to search experiences that mean its permanence in the formal educative process; c) to contribute with the students in methodologies for production of individual works and in group; d) publication of experiences.
The formation of a group of research and experimentation, destined to the study of local, regional and world-wide phenomena, privileges the critical look and the experience of students and the professor, the taste for the study and searches and the valuation of the espaotempos of the school. The materialization of the proposal if of the one by means of activities of research, activities of production and field, target log book and presentation of experiences. Also it has the intention of: ) to carry through studies and research interdisciplinares, valuing the place where if it lives; b) to instigate the students to search experiences that mean its permanence in the formal educative process; c) to contribute with the students in methodologies for production of individual works and in group; d) publication of experiences.
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