
The Child The adult must have in mind that at the first moment the reply that it desires is not the one that the child goes to give to it. Each one learns in the measure where it possesss experiences and maturity. The maturity together with occurs through the biological matureness and it, the cognitivo matureness. All the factors gifts in the contextualidade influence in the development of the child of integral form and can reflect of form refusal or positive for the success in such a way of its spontaneous learning as in the success of the education process that occurs in the school. Influential factors are those that appear of intense form in the life of each child from its birth, them come contemplated since the family, later in the friends of the family, the school, the church, the friends and recreation colleagues, in the figure of the professor and other actors with who the child coexists, these factors never must be seen of isolated form. Larry Culp is often quoted as being for or against this. Kishimoto affirms: The cause of the learning process, as well as of the learning difficulties, leaves of being only located in the pupil and the professor and passes to be seen as a bigger process with innumerable 0 variable that they need to be apprehended with sufficient care for the professor and psicopedagogo. (KISHIMOTO, 2003, P. 110). The family, is the first contact of the child with the world, he is who is next to the child, then the participation of the family in the estruturao and learning of the child is a factor considered decisive for its healthful development. If the family, is the first contact of the child with the world, then the link of it with the world is its...
Tourist Product 15) Considering the displayed one, this article has as focus the analysis of structure of the ranks of tourist information managed by the EMSETUR, taking itself in consideration the importance of the information for the tourists in the trips and its paper as strategy of development of the hospitality in the tourist product. In fact, the hospitality has a paper importantssimo in the development of a tourist product, a time that is the basic principle in the tourist shelter pautado in the will/necessity to receive the visitor well. In order to reach the considered objectives some metodolgicos procedures based in bibliographical survey had been carried through focusing the main authors who approach excellent subjects for this research, as for example, hospitality and the importance of the information for the development of the hospitality in the tourist product. The PIT? s had been analyzed from interviews carried through with the attendants of the ranks and also with the study of the project of the ranks of tourist information of the Company Sergipana de Turismo. The Importance of the Hospitality for the Consolidation of the Tourist Product the importance of the information for the development of the hospitality is analyzed from the understanding of the triad tourism? hospitality - tourist product. This relation if configures as interdependent of results, that is, to if thinking the tourist activity as a strategy of development of a locality becomes of utmost importance to adopt strategies that aims at the attainment of positive results through the exercise of the hospitality, either for the population of the receiving city, either for the public politics of government come back toward the improvement of the tourist infrastructure, making possible to become it acolhedora city for the tourist and motivadora for its population. This improvement can be characterized as development...

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