Questionings on what to offer for a good teaching formation, the contents in its didactic and metodolgicas forms permeiam. Amongst the challenges we can cite the aspect of the abilities necessary so that the educator plays well its function, and on which the strategies to be adopted in partnership with technological and the rapidity of the information in simple ' ' clicar' '. These and other questions need to be considered so that let us can carry through an analysis of the factors that can come to contribute as inhibiting or facilitadores I stimulate to it of the creativity in superior education. It is required of educating that it is prepared for the teaching life, that it receives in its academic formation a solid cultural luggage, social, philosophical, psychological and didactic-pedagogical. These well worked aspects are excellent for the development of the creativity. Thus carried through educating it will be capable to reformulate the direction of the education and to have a new conception on the art to teach. Anderson cited for Taylor (1976, P.
170), makes reference the two concepts: ' ' facilitadores' ' ' ' inibidores' ' of the creative development in superior education. The first one as ' ' Aberto' system; ' , to indicate the facilitador factor whose characteristic allows originalidade, experimentation, initiative and invention as mechanisms that provide the creativity. as the concept indicated for Anderson are ' ' Fechado' system; ' , as inhibiting of the creativity in the superior education that if characterizes for the extreme valuation of the knowledge through the memorization and the discoveries of fixed answers for the problems. The educator who works with the formation of the future professor, needs to live deeply ' ' Aberto' system; ' having conscience that its attitudes will reflect in many future attitudes in education. Considering the aspects above, we would dare to think that a change as for the quality of superior education if makes necessary, from the intention and of the individual motivation of the proper professor.
170), makes reference the two concepts: ' ' facilitadores' ' ' ' inibidores' ' of the creative development in superior education. The first one as ' ' Aberto' system; ' , to indicate the facilitador factor whose characteristic allows originalidade, experimentation, initiative and invention as mechanisms that provide the creativity. as the concept indicated for Anderson are ' ' Fechado' system; ' , as inhibiting of the creativity in the superior education that if characterizes for the extreme valuation of the knowledge through the memorization and the discoveries of fixed answers for the problems. The educator who works with the formation of the future professor, needs to live deeply ' ' Aberto' system; ' having conscience that its attitudes will reflect in many future attitudes in education. Considering the aspects above, we would dare to think that a change as for the quality of superior education if makes necessary, from the intention and of the individual motivation of the proper professor.
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