(Lacerda (1999) In hodiernos times the occupation of the littoral zone in special of the manguezal presents a on speculative activity the capitalist groups, whose bigger objective is the search of the profit, a time that in its vises simplistas the nature to pass to be seen as a merchandise. Ahead of this new scene of occupation we observe a relation descomprometida with the true function partner - cultural and ecological of the littoral areas thus impactando diverse sectors of the economy. Vasconcelos, in its workmanship Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone, arrives establishes a series of practises and activity of occupation of the calls coastal zones directed toward them you practise exploratrias capitalists, when she affirms that: ' ' From century XX, the coastal region becomes the place of preference of the man as housing place. Today the majority of the population human being lives in the coast, being the coastal Zone a habitat of great demographic and economic pressure, as Vasconcelos the littoral Population disputes one exactly geographic space for the most diverse activities and purposes, between them, the habitation I deal, it, the transport, agriculture fishes, it, the aqicultura the culture of the leisure and turismo' '. Ahead of the displayed one it is evident that a disordered occupation of the littoral areas, based in the molds capitalist exploring, causes a disruption of the reinante balance enters the complexity of the ambient dynamics, what has in recent years despertado a world-wide concern on the part of good studious part of the scientific community and in the subject, governing and even though for inhabitants of the coast. THE MANGUEZAIS A NECESSARY CONCEITUAO ' ' Of roots fincadas in the ocean, the fen supports rich life sea and prospers where other trees cannot sobrevive' ' (National Geographic 01.02.07) The term ' ' Mangue' ' one originates from vocbulo, ' ' Manggimanggi' ' of the English mangrove, serving to describe the fitogeogrficas species that live in the manguezal, that is, the tree. Many writers such as Jorge Perez offer more in-depth analysis.
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