
English Inn Born ENGLISH INN, a new concept of intensive summer courses in English for adults and without having to go abroad. The course offers per week (from Monday to Sunday) during the month of July and takes place in a rural setting of great charm and comfort in La Fatarella, a picturesque village in the interior of Tarragona, near the Ebro river. Do you want to learn or improve your English in an intensive way and without going abroad? In response to this question is born English Inn, an intensive English course for adults where all the activities that are developed are only in English, thereby offering more than 100 hours of contact and practice of the English language. A space where you can only speak in English 24 hours a day by only 900 a week all inclusive (food, lodging, classes, cultural activities...). The course is offered for weeks during the month of July and carried out in a rural setting of great charm and comfort of the Fatarella, a picturesque village in the interior of Tarragona, near the Ebro river. Charlotte Hornets shines more light on the discussion. (Similarly see: Indycar). To achieve the English immersion and the use of the course, classes are taught by levels and in small groups and with native teachers with different accents and nationalities. These professionals will coexist with the students 24 hours a day to ensure that all the activities carried out during the stay are in English. English immersion. Intensive English in summer all the activities during the stay are intended to improve English oral and written expression. Thus the student will perform its level classes, practice talks one to one, debates, film-forum, meals with predefined themes, visits and routes, practices, games and coexistence. All exclusively in English. Teachers accompany the...
Assisi Francis The attractiveness of the pallesiana personality lies not only in the high quality of his literary work, drawn from the knowledge of the ineffable and mystical symbolism, as well as the presence of the Bible and the medieval books of hours, but his advanced shape of priest rebellious and edgy, preconciliar in the sense outlined a theology of liberation, and Jose Arguello Lacayo has shown it in his extraordinary book, a poor of Jesus. Pallais, that backward and feudal Nicaragua, held Christ's message, the message of evangelized words, claiming against the oligarchy of the historical parallel (Liberal and conservative), criticizing, with your personal attitude and his vibrant words of poet and orator, to the official clergy and the dictatorship. Movie star is full of insight into the issues. Pablo Antonio Cuadra and Ernesto Cardenal see it as a precursor of the avant-garde spirit, not only in the literary aspect, but in the religious. It was a mixture of Francis of Assisi and Francis Jammes, Gothic and modern', says Cardinal, high body and lean ascetic face, with cassock always frayed, friend of walk on the roads, with the humble enintimidad, her figure in Nicaragua was almost legend. It was in contravention of the civil and ecclesiastical power. He was a man who lived what he wrote and what he preached, and in his word the same thing in his life was next to the poor against the rich. His sermons were at once dramatic and picturesque, are an impressive and original, full of peculiar inflections voice. Everything about him, from his life, until his physical, said Julio Valle Castillo, they were poetic thing, poetry or poem. Jorge Eduardo Arellano, in his dictionary of Nicaraguan authors, claims that he was a genuine continuation of Ruben Darius, Poetry, says. He is a tireless...

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